VI Postharvest Unlimited -ISIH International Conference(境外國際學術會)
出國時間 20171016~20171024
地 點 西班牙馬德里
這個研討會是從10/17 開始到10/20 結束,一共是四天的行程,前三天是會議,最後一天是參觀展覽。因為飛機延誤的關係,一直到10/17晚上才到達馬德里機場,抵達旅館時已經八點多了,當天的會議也已經結束了,所以早點休息,為隔天的會議做準備。10/18 早晨搭乘地鐵抵達會場,一開始先是報到的手續,這次會議的主題是以採後處理為主,今天的第一場以採後處理科技的簡報揭開序幕,接著是不同主題的簡報,為採後的生物活性、新鮮產品供給鏈、採後處理及植物微生物相,
我比較有興趣的是採後處理,所以聽比較多採後處理的題目,會議當中有世界各國的學者上台報告他們所研究的項目,亞洲地區的很少,比較多歐洲和美洲的,也藉此更瞭解其他作物,簡報是持續到晚上七點結束,第三天和前兩天是一樣的形式,而我們的簡報是在第三天的下午,10/20 這一天是參觀會場裡的博覽會,主題是以水果和蔬菜為主,每個攤位展示的都不同,也看到很多台灣沒看到的蔬果,對我來說很新鮮,產品行銷做得很完全,也讓消費者更瞭解產品,藉由這個博覽會來瞭解西班牙產業發展的情況,總體來說是棒的經驗。
中文:袋裝和1-MCP 處理對黃秋葵儲藏品質之影響
英文:Effects of Modified Atmosphere Package and 1-MCP Treatment on the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) Radical Scavenging Activity of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) during Storage
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus ) is widely spread in tropical and subtropicalareas. It has been favored as a food for the health-conscious. Okra pods
possessed significant antioxidant activity and phenolic as well as flavonoidswere active constituents. Fresh okra deteriorates quickly during storage dueto tenderness and a high respiration rate. Modified atmosphere package and1-MCP treatment were developed to extend the storage limit successfully.However, the antioxidant activity of okra during storage was not clarified.The objective of the study was to determine the total flavonoid and phenoliccontents as well as total antioxidant activity of okra during storage by usingmodified atmosphere package and 1-MCP treatment. Fresh okra pods weresealed into 25 × 35-cm bags comprised of 0.03 and 0.1-mm-thick lowdensity polyester (LDPE) film or 0.01-mm-thick high density polyester(HDPE) film and stored at 12°C. Okra pods were treated by 1-MCP (0.5, 10,and 20mg/L ) for 16 h at 6°C before storage. Total flavonoid and phenoliccontents as well as DPPH radical scavenging activity were checked every
week during storage. Results showed that okra pods packaged in low densitypolyester bags of 0.03mm thickness showed the highest total flavonoid andphenolic contents as well as DPPH radical scavenging activity duringstorage at 12°C. 1-mcp pretreatment minimized the decrease of total
flavonoid and phenolic contents as well as DPPH radical scavenging activityat 12°C . Good correlations were found between DPPH radical scavenging
activity and contents of total flavonoid and phenolic in okra pods stored at12°C for 4 weeks.
FRUIT ATTRACTION 2017展覽會場中展出之蘑菇
FRUIT ATTRACTION 2017展覽會場中展出之新鮮無花果